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Think Before You Ink
Tattoos are a very common form of self-expression with people today. Tattoos can last a lifetime and can say a lot about who you are and...
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Expunction vs. Sealing Your Criminal Record
Whether you have been convicted of a felony or a misdemeanor, that charge can follow you and affect the rest of your life. Even after you...
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Why Criminal Defense Is So Rewarding, Despite What You Heard
Sometimes people react funny when they hear I am a criminal defense attorney. They will say things like "How can you represent those...
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Defending Drug Charges: The Motion To Suppress Evidence
Motion to Suppress Evidence for Drug Charges I do a lot of work defending individuals charged with both drug possession and drug...
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Plea Negotiations, How Top Criminal Defense Attorneys Get The Best Deals For Clients
What is a Plea Bargain? A plea bargain is an agreement between the prosecutor and defense attorney where the defendant agrees to plead...
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Your right to remain silent – Use it
The fish kills itself with it's own mouth. That is one of my wife's favorite sayings and it is certainly true. In my over 9 year career...
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The Loss of Jimmy Parks Jr.
Over the weekend we lost Jimmy Parks Jr. a well-known and respected criminal defense attorney. His loss will be felt by the San Antonio ...
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Changes to expunction law may help you clean your criminal records.
In the last legislative session the legislature made many changes to the expunction laws, which will enable thousands of Texans to...
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